Tourist routes around Monreale


This route gives people the opportunity to enjoy a magnificent view from one of the most panoramic places in the Conca d'Oro (Golden Basin), the summit of Mount Caputo, where the Castellaccio di Monreale rises majestically. This castle, with its irregular quadrilateral shape and six towers protruding on the outside, was built by William II of Sicily in the 12th century as a fortress and control over the movement of the Saracen rebel populations in the Sicilian hinterland. It was run by Benedictine monks and contained a church, of which the three apses and a central nave still remain. Its functional components were partially demolished by the autonomous barons rebelling against the Crown of Aragon so that the royal forces could not use it to defend themselves against attacks. In the spring, it is possible to admire the blossom of many asteraceae among the trees and vegetation surrounding the castle. Tits, blackbirds, European serins and other passerines also live close by. The site is managed by the C.A.S. (Sicilian Alpine Club).



An ancient ice house in San Martino delle Scale, a small mountain town, falls within the municipality of Monreale. San Martino is known for its abbey and wooded areas that offer coolness during the hot summers.
What not everyone knows, though, is that it is also home to an ice house.
The history of Sicilian ice houses is very interesting. These old cold factories were used to collect and store snow so that sorbets and ice cream could be enjoyed before refrigeration was invented. What not everyone knows is that there is one worth visiting just a few kilometres from Monreale: the San Martino delle Scale ice house. Starting from the mountain village, you can access the forest towards the ice house via a convenient little road, where breathtaking views open up towards the valley below and the Gulf of Palermo in the distance. The use of ice houses was very important. It is quite difficult to imagine producing and transporting ice at the end of the 19th century. Ice could only be found in high mountain areas and only during the short winter months, so efforts were made to store and transport it. This is where the nivaroli, the ice merchants, came in.
They created basins called ice houses in particular mountain areas where the fallen snow accumulated. They were able to preserve it and transport it to the city using special techniques.



The Sant'Elia river, a major tributary of the Oreto river, once constituted not only an important water resource to irrigate neighbouring land, but it also served the old mill, acted as a public washhouse, and was a bathing place in the summer, as people took advantage of the nache, real natural pools located along the river. The locals had an intense relationship with the river. Unfortunately, the Sant'Elia river was subject to neglect and abandonment for a long time and ended up completely covered with overgrown brushwood and rubbish until recently, when volunteer associations mobilised to make it usable again and allow citizens to re-appropriate the area. It is currently one of the FAI's luoghi del cuore (places of the heart). The Sant'Elia river is lined with a path leading to its source.

How to get there: In order to reach Pioppo, it is recommend to leave your car behind the Carabinieri barracks and walk along the SS186 (the main road through Pioppo) to Via S. Giuseppe. Take this street to the Church of S. Giuseppe. Via Chiesa Nuova (then Via Molino) is located to the left of the church façade. Take this street until you reach a concrete bridge and wall, and follow the signs from there. Thenaca nica is about 150 metres from the bridge.


San Martino delle Scale

Its mountainous, forested landscape just outside Palermo rises 589 metres above sea level. San Martino delle Scale lies in the valley between Monte Cuccio and Monte Caputo where the Benedictine monastery and Abbey of San Martino delle Scale stand, the only remaining abbey in Sicily and the largest of the abbeys in southern Italy. It was founded by Abbot Angelo Sinisio in 1347, although tradition has it that it dates back to the time of St Gregory the Great in the sixth century. Either way, the Abbey of San Martino has a wonderful story to tell. 
Call 091418104 for more information.


The path combining history, nature and taste

The Cammino dei Mille (Path of the Thousand) is a historical route and a slow and sustainable tourism project, created to promote the territory and its beauty. It passes through several wooded areas including the Ficuzza forest, which is the largest wooded area in western Sicily, and several villages that stand out for their history and traditions. There is no want for variety in the food and wine offerings in Sicily!
How did the Cammino dei Mille path come about?
Historian Pietro Merenda reconstructed the manoeuvres of the Expedition of the Thousand for the conquest of Palermo in 1910, showing an unusual interest in the landscape which was seen as a place of memory and a stage upon which identities are constructed.
Pietro Merenda's work has intrigued and enthused a group of volunteers from the Pro Loco di Monreale who, moved by the charm of the places, have implemented this project so that others can enjoy its beauty.
Variants and stages
The path has two variants in relation to the historical reconstruction of the Expedition of the Thousand:
The variante lunga (long variant) stretches over more than 150 km, which can be covered in ten stages and which crosses twelve towns: Monreale (San Martino delle Scale and Pioppo) Altofonte, Piana degli Albanesi, Santa Cristina Gela, Corleone (Ficuzza), Mezzojuso, Villafrati, Cefalà Diana, Godrano, Marineo, Misilmeri and Palermo.
The variante breve (short variant) stretches a little over 100 km and has been planned in seven stages. It has the first four stages and the final two in common with the long variant, but, instead of continuing to Ficuzza for the fifth stage, it shortens by heading straight to Marineo.
Nevertheless, the stages are indicative, and each walker can build his or her own route.
Find out more You can find more useful information at, such as route descriptions, GPS tracks, advice and, above all, contacts for the Amici del Cammino, a network of associations, organisations and operators who offer support for walkers’ every need.
We hope you are able to embark on this adventure soon and, if you can, happy cammino!

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Il Castelaccio
90046 Monreale PA
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