The Church of the Holy Trinity

It belongs to the Collegio di Maria complex, an institute a stone's throw from the cathedral, founded in 1724 by the brothers Alberto Greco Carlino, archpriest, and Lorenzo Greco Carlino, canon, designed to provide religious (and other) education for all the Monreale girls of the time.

The church was founded two years after the Bourbons seized power in Sicily in 1736. King Charles III spent large sums of money on its construction, with an extremely short schedule. The building is characterised by a single street façade, namely Via Roma, one of the most important and busiest streets in Monreale. Communication with the wings of the College of Mary is via two side entrances. The interior is enriched by interesting frescoes. It has four minor altars, flanked by pilasters in 18th century style, many of them refined, and interspersed between the main entrance and the two side entrances, from which it communicates with the other wings of the historical building.

The round arches are surmounted by slight mouldings, upon which rests an undecorated band, itself surmounted by a cornice. Higher up is the drum of the large central dome where there are windows concealed by brass latticework, also in typical 18th century taste, in use during the times when cloistered nuns were living in the Institute. Exterior and interior of the Trinity Church.


Source: Pro Loco

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Chiesa della SS. Trinità di-Monreale
Via rome 44 monreale
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