Santa Caterina Municipal Library Modern Collection

The Santa Caterina di Monreale municipal library is committed to developing book and reading promotion projects dedicated to all age groups in collaboration with organisations, institutions, associations, schools, universities and others operating in the area.

A number of groups and reading circles are active in the Santa Caterina library, constituted by groups of people getting together to talk and discuss the books they have read in order to share the pleasure of reading and the emotions they have felt, and to deepen their understanding of the topics. Participation is free and open to all.

The Ancient Collection and Modern Collection libraries offer guided tours to acquaint people with their spaces, services, collections and activities, as well as educational projects, community information services, intercultural meetings and promotion initiatives aimed at all age groups. Participation is free of charge with prior booking. The library offers schools in the area a pre-booked meeting at the library to introduce the service to children and promote books and reading.


Le biblioteche Fondo Antico e Fondo Moderno, offrono visite guidate per far conoscere gli spazi, servizi, le collezioni e le attività ed inoltre si affiancano progetti formativi e servizi di informazione di comunità e iniziative di incontro e promozione interculturale rivolti a tutte le fasce di età. La partecipazione è gratuita su prenotazione. La Biblioteca propone alle scuole del territorio un incontro su prenotazione da effettuare in biblioteca per far conoscere il servizio ai bambini e promuovere il libro e la lettura.

Immagine anteprima
Biblioteca Comunale Santa Caterina "Fondo Moderno"
Via Pietro Novelli 5 Monreale

Apertura antimeridiana  dalle ore 8,30 alle ore 13,30

Apertura pomeridiana dalle ore 15,00 alle ore 18,00

091 6564 492 – 091 6564495
Tipologia Musei e cultura
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